On another note my brother-in-law offered to (for the $10.00 a month it would cost him) to add me to his cell phone plan. I'll have to get a phone, but this will be a better deal that any single plan would cost me, plus if I call either my sister, brother-in-law, or my mom the calls (being Sprint-to-Sprint) are free, as well as the nights and weekends. Furthermore if the daytime plan minutes are used up then 100 extra minutes only costs five dollars. :-) Hopefully I'll get set-up in a couple more days when my brother-in-law goes to switch his plan so it will be easier for him to call home from his European trips.
Tonight Chris is going to a concert, so I'll get to use the computer he is on a bit more, but there isn't really anything to do now so I don't care. I'm on my computer now, finally burning back-up CDs in case Fujitsu has to reformat my hard drive when I sent my computer in. Yes Chris (and Mom), I'll get it sent in very soon!
Okay, I would try to out-type Chris, but I don't really feel like it. I'll wrap this up for now and perhaps add more later.
Yeah I do...it just always takes me a while to back up my files. *sigh* I've had to do it a few times you know.
I'll definately let you know how the book is, his reading of chapter two (on the bonus DVD) was riveting.
Out-type me? In speed? bahaha, I don't think you can do that.
In blog length? You might be able to do that... depends on whether or not I had a lot happen, a lot on my mind, and a lot of time to burn blogging ;-)
As a whole, I think you have a rather handsome goal created in trying to out-type me!
You want to drive to Nashville with me? If you say yes, I only have to find three more people!
If I can afford it and I'm not working it sounds like fun. Hopefully I'll get my work schedule today.
You two are so funny! It cracks me up that you communicate via blog comments when you're living in the same house... ach, goofy guys:)!
Well we do try to provide you with quality entertainment... ;-)
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