In about thirty minutes I'll leave for my training. I'm not sure what all this will entail, but I'm looking forward to it. I'll be that much closer to my job! :-) I went to the first service with Christopher again, but not because he needed to be there early. Thankfully we didn't have to leave so early, I just wanted to go to first service so that I wouldn't be late for my training. Chris had intended to go to both services but he was so tired (he didn't get home until 01:00 this morning) that he ended up coming home with me.
I was just pulling down out of the parking lot (down the hill that is) when he told me to stop. As I backed up to drive over to where the family was just parking I unintentionally squealed the tires (earning a bemused reprimand from my sister ;-)).
Strangely when we got back to the house my brother-in-law's truck wasn't parked on the street, but it was there behind my van when I went upstairs to change. I assume that he must have let someone borrow it. I can't remember if it was there when we left for church this morning.
*sigh* There are several things I need to do on-line, I really just can't put them off any longer. I've made a promise to myself that I'll go get them done as soon as I have a chance, hopefully later today. Company is coming over, so my sister made apple and lemon meringue pies. Yum!! :-)
Well I'm going to go finish getting ready. I'd prefer to be sitting in the parking lot at the museum reading a book until it is time for me to go in. I'm sure the traffic will be fine on a Sunday noon, but it is much better to be safe than sorry!
There better be some of that Apple pie left.
wow i thought that was you for a mistake
~Mr. Chan
lol... ;-)
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