Regardless of which lying Democrat (I think I'm being repetitive here, at least regarding this issue) you may listen to, nothing good will come from this monstrosity. The government has already extended it's control too far into private lives (yes, the GOP and President Bush were guilty of intrusions).
Once the government starts to take over healthcare, and Obamacare is only the first step, things will only go downhill. New York City's stupid idea to ban salt in restaurant cooking will be mild compared to what may come. If the government pays for more healthcare then it will be able to justify more control over personal choices like eating habits…
The Democratic motto isn't "If it ain't broke don't fix it." Rather they subscribe to "If the government doesn't control it then fix it." Government is necessary and can be an agent for good (see Romans 13), but it must be restrained and limited or we are all in trouble… Truly the government that governs best, governs least.
-- Posted from my iPhone
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