Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Lost in the Night

Last night I walked across the street to my sister's place. They were in the middle of Bible Study, but I sneaked through. I tried to get Chase up but he claimed he was too tired. I understand needing sleep, but too tired for Lost?

Unfortunately the guys were downstairs so I couldn't use the big screen. I was reduced to using the old TV in my sister's study, but it was better than nothing! I never got a digital converter for my TV and am too cheap to pay for cable, so I can't really complain.

It was a good episode. I'm enjoying getting answers this final season. I know the ending may not be awesome (endings can't be entirely mysterious and mystery has been a strong point of Lost), but I've enjoyed the ride and don't regret the investment of time.

Here is an old blog post I recently found:

I've been watching the show since Mark got me hooked in 2004…


-- Posted from my iPhone
(c) 2010 iWolff Ltd.

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