When I read the passage highlighted at the left from Bastille the eight year old got a gleam in her eyes as she understood. Sarcasm is something she's only started to understand recently.
Once again Alcatraz rhetorically asked if he had mentioned that he not a good person.
“Yes,” the eight year old replied proving she had definitely been paying attention to the narrator’s prior gloomy pronouncements.
The book mentioned Bastille’s platform sandals and the kids were curious.
8YO: “What does it mean platform sandals? The sandals have a platform?”
Me: “What do you think that means? What is a platform?
8YO: “Something that you stand on. So she’s standing on her sandals.”
Me: “A platform is higher than the ground. So platform sandals are higher than flat sandals.”
6YO: “You mean like this?” Places foot with toes flat and heel raised.
8YO: “No that’s heels.”
Me: “Tomorrow is chapter eight.”
4YO: “Will there be pictures in chapter eight?”
Me: “Yes.”
4YO: “Yay, there will be pictures in chapter eight [6YO]!”
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