I can't even remember enough Spanish to properly conjugate an opening sentence, so I'm just going to stick to English, ;-). Oh, and don't ask about the image, I just did a Google Image search for "Buenas Dias" and this was on the first page of results...
At the insistence of my sister I've compiled an agenda for today and a partial one for the rest of the week. I'm keeping it in a notebook where hopefully I'll continue to add agendas for each passing day that I'm job hunting. I've entitled the section "Life, the job hunt days."
Today I'm going to visit the unemployment agency, check on a subbing requirement for the local school, contact the county schools for subbing requirements, check out the employment sections of Home Depot's web site, fax my resume for a receptionst job requiring no experience, compile a resume complete with addresses, phone numbers, and wage history, call a temp agency to establish my availability, and check with TMC about my loans. *whew* I know I could do more in a day but the list looks long enough for now, I'll have to see how it works.
I've almost finished Brian Jacques Redwall book Loamhedge so I really need to go over to my literary xanga (The Spectral Lounge) and update it with this information, especially now that I've started a new fantasy book. Ah...I've got so much to keep up with on-line, sometimes I wonder how I manage it...;-)
Okay here are another couple pictures, I think that I'll keep putting up one or two per day as long as I have good ones to put up. They may be ones from several months ago, but I promise they'll be good ones! :-) Again thanks to ImageShack for Free Image Hosting (the thumbnailed images)--the fully visible ones are hosted in my Photo Bucket account.
Here are a couple of the family dog Sasha. She is a boxer and the nicest dog that you'd ever find, quiet, great with kids, and gentle. Before photographing Sasha I'd never noticed it, but apparently with dogs (or at least this dog) you don't get red eye, you get blue eye. The second picture of this lazy dog shows that quite well.
And here is an image from my trip to Las Vegas last fall. Unfortunately it didn't turn out that well, but all of my pictures from Star Trek: The Experience were at night or inside without flash... :( Oh well, the experience was great even if the pictures aren't.
Okay, I'd better get off to fulfilling my busy agenda so I'll end this post now...perhaps I'll make a mid-day update, or perhaps not, I'm not sure yet.
PS Please tell me what you think of the pictures. Would you rather have thumbnails to click on (It is easier for me to post these) or would you rather I resize images to insert smaller ones directly into the post? I don't guarantee that I'll follow all recomendations, but I would like to hear what you have to say. Thanks
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