Ha!! I knew I could get it to work! I finally found out what the problem was. Some of my pictures were too wide and working with some monitors on smaller resolutions (like 1024x768) the blog couldn't handle the sidebar and the wide pictures. I simply resized the offending pictures and everything should be working okay! :-) Thanks you four that responded. At least I know y'all are reading my blog... ;-)
Well my job interview went well today. It turns out that the lady who interviewed me lives only a street or two over from here, small world eh? I think that I answered all of the questions well and that it really would be a good job for me, being an exhibit interpreter in a museum. However if my job search has told me anything it is to not get my hopes up. At this point I'll just pray and hope that everything turns out okay. The job would be temporary, but it would last from March 12th to July 4th and perhaps would provide an opportunity for me to take another temporary or perhas (dare I hope?) even a permanent position at the museum (if I land the job that is, of course). I should hear back in a couple days.
PS After noticing a couple words in the above image I decided to edit it and post a version that would be sure to offend nobody (not that it was that bad, but I figure it is better to display something nobody will mind than one that some may object to and stumble over).
Looks much better. Thanks.
And that graphic is great!
Hope the museum job works well for you. I can see you doing that.
I'm going to go with "no, yes, yes, yes" in reference to you, Matt ;-)
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