Did you ever stop to think that you can type the entire word "poll" with your right hand? (when using the home key finger positions). Well anyway, I'd like to ask anybody reading this to respond. I've made some changes and would like to know how they affect people. Okay...here are the questions then. I would really appreciate if everyone reading this responds. Thanks.
1. Can you see my profile, previous posts, archive list, and my "blogs I read" list directly to the left of my post text?
1a. If "no" is it all the way at the bottom of the page or in another location entirely? (please describe where you see these things)
1b. If "no" have you tried maximizing your browser window? If "yes" did it help?
2. What is your screen resolution.
3. What browser are you using to view this blog?
Thank you for your participation, it will definately help me to improve this site for all viewers. As much as I like using Firefox I don't want this to become something that just Netscape/Mozilla type browers can correctly display, or vice versa with Internet Explorer. :-)
1) No
1a (really 2) all the way at the bottom of the page on the left.
1b (really 3) Yes, but it didn't help.
2 (really 4) 1024 X 768
3 (really 5) Internet Explorer
You know, it's a good thing you weren't an accounting major. This math this is obviously beyond you.
It's all good... odds are, if you could see it, Matt... then I can see it.
1) yes
2) i haven't a clue
3) Firefox
Looks good to me, Matt!
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