Wednesday, April 06, 2022

Ainulindalë and Valaquenta

Today I started reading The Silmarillion to the kids. We read the Ainulindalë and the Valaquenta. I love the beautiful poetry of the Ainulindalë, and when I paused the eight year old kept saying “keep reading!”

When we got to the description of Melkor as one who wants to be Lord over others both of the older two spoke up.
8YO: “Is he the one that is going to be the first dark lord?”
6YO: “I think it is Morgoth, that started all the fighting.”
I didn’t confirm anything but kept reading. Then we came to Varda and when I gave her second name the kids immediately recognized her due to the number of times that her name was uttered in Lord of the Rings.
Me: “Elbereth they name her…”
8YO: *big grin* “She was in The Lord of the Rings!”
6YO: 😱 “WHAT?!? Are they the same person.”
Me: “Yes.”
I did had to give them some major hints when we got to the Maiar. They didn’t recognize the name of Olórin as Gandalf until I pulled out the Two Towers and reread Faramir’s listing of all of Gandalf’s names. They were super excited to find mention of Gandalf, even if he isn’t covered in the story.
They were very excited to learn that their guess was correct when I read that Melkor became Morgoth, though the six year old was upset the book lists him as “the Dark Enemy of the World,” saying “no, Dark Lord!” 😂

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