Monday, April 25, 2022

The Mewlips, Oliphaunt, Fastitocalon, Cat, and Shadow-bride

Tonight we read four poems in The Adventures of Tom Bombadil: The Mewlips, Oliphaunt, Fastitocalon, Cat, and Shadow-bride. Before we started I was asked about oliphaunts.

8YO: “Is there one on oliphaunts?”
Me: “You’ll just have to wait and find out.”
4YO: “I hope there is one on opiphaunts. [6YO] do you like oliphaunts?”
6YO: “Yes.”
Then the conversation turned to astronomy as we recalled the story of Arien and Tilion piloting the heavenly lights around Middle-earth.
8YO: “Is there a man or a woman in the sun?”
Me: “Remember from the Silmarillion it was a woman who took the sun around. And it was a guy with the moon and he is trying to catch up with her, that’s why they’re in the sky at the same time.”
6YO: “Can the woman in the sun and the guy in the moon marry?”
Me: “Maybe they could, but they had to stay separate. And I don’t think she liked him.”
The six year old was quite disturbed by the Mewlips poem, and I have to admit it would make for a scary Hobbit bedtime tale.
When we got to Oliphaunt the kids had more questions.
8YO: “Are they on the bad guy’s side?”
Me: “They’re animals. They’re not on anybody’s side.”
6YO: “Why did their eyes look evil in the battle?”
As we read Fastitocalon about people landing unawares on a giant sea turtle the six year old guessed what was going on.
6YO: “A ginormous turtle!”
Finally the title of Shadow-bride made a mental connection with a horse.
6YO: “Are they related to Shadowfax?”

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