Friday, April 01, 2022

Mount Doom and The Field of Cormallen

Today we read Mount Doom and The Field of Cormallen. As I read “[s]o the desperate journey went on, as the air by went south and the banners of the kings rode north” the six year old had to be persuaded for a bit.

6YO: “What if they meet each other?”
Me: “The armies are outside Mordor and Frodo and Sam are inside. Mountains and thousands of orcs are in between.”
6YO: *waves arms* “What if they kill the orcs?”
Then later everyone was on pins and needles as we came to the end of the Ring. The six year old screamed when Frodo claimed the ring.
“I don’t want him to turn evil,” she cried!
The eight year old said, “Don’t cry. Listen to dad.”
6YO: “Dad, why did Frodo turn evil? Is Frodo evil now?” *crying* There was much relief when Frodo recovered after Gollum bit off his finger.
As the eagles took off towards Mount Doom the six year old cried “they’re going to Frodo and Sam” with a huge grin on her face.

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