Saturday, April 30, 2022

Alcatraz vs. the Evil Librarians - Chapter 04

I read chapter four of Alcatraz vs the Evil Librarians today and the eight year old really appreciated multiple jokes. While I appreciate the jokes it is fun to read to someone else who is enjoying them also (especially since Sanderson packs in so many).

At one point the characters talk about some people disguised as potted plants who tried to infiltrate a bank and…got watered.

8YO: “I got it. I got it!” And later she said “They got watered! đŸ˜‚ They got soaking wet.”

We also get to appreciate Grandpa Smedry’s Talent this chapter. At first nobody gets why being late is special, then Alcatraz watches someone shoot at him and watches his grandfather arrive late to each shot—so they all missed.

8YO: “He’s always late. He’s usually late. He said his talent was being late!”

Lastly the translations between worlds are a great enjoyment for the kids as they understand our world well and find people trying to fit in (but failing) hilarious. Grandpa Smedry offers Alcatraz a “sand-burger.”

8YO: “ It’s not a sand burger, it’s called a sandwich. It’s called a plain old burger or a sandwich.”

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